Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Dog walk to the park

Over winter break I took my dog Dexter, out for a walk to Petrovitsky Park because it is only 15 minutes away from my house and I had nothing else better to do. I am sure that Dexter was aware of his surroundings because we have gone to Petrovitsky park numerous times. Today I did something different which was taking Dexter down to the baseball field at Petrovitsky Park even though I know I am  not supposed to. I wanted to test out to see what he would do on the field and thankfully he didnt go to the bathroom on it. My experience with Dexter exploring new grounds was that I can tell he was having fun by wagging his tail and rolling in the dirt because every thing was so new and exciting to him. Author Val Mallinson, an author and dog lover quotes, " They ( dogs) know the big wide world out there holds more wonder than they can possibly fit into their short dog lifetime....They (dogs) are right, there are marvels out there" (Mallinson 2). What I learned from that quote by listening to Val Mallinson is that she is correct and that I should take Dexter out to many "wonders" to him to explore because before I know it his life will end eventually.

Petrovitsky Park
Overall my experience taking Dexter to the local park and doing something new has taught me, that I should take Dexter onto different grounds once in a while so he can have fun instead of being cooped up inside.

My question to any pet owners is, do you believe that your pet will live linger just by taking them out for a walk once in a while?

Mallinson, Val. The Dog Lovers Campanion to the Pacific Northwest. Emeryville: Avalon Travel, 2005. Print.

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